WHERE THE TRUTH LIES 4:11, color, video, 2018

Where the Truth Lies is a found footage collage poem for absurd times. Disparate images, sounds and text collide in a disorienting world of trickery and deception.

Screenings: 57th Ann Arbor Film Festival, Ann Arbor, MI; Experiments in Cinema v14.2, Albuquerque, NM; "TR*MP TH*S", Experimental Response Cinema, Austin, TX; Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Hamburg, Germany; Bali International Short Film Festival, Bali, Indonesia, semi-finalist; ULTRAcinema, "Reapropiacion", Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, Antimatter, Victoria, BC, Canada; Swedenborg Film Festival, curated by Nora Foster (Frieze) and Gareth Evans (Whitechapel Gallery), London, UK; Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey; Stockholm Animation and Experimental Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden, London Experimental, London, UK; Athens International Film and Video Festival, Athens, OH, Barcelona International Short Film and Video Festival, Spain,
MicroActs at Fervor Festival, London, UK